Central College Contract for Hire of Slave Laborers
I Nelson Barksdale of Albemarle county and Ludlow Brannum of Louisa county do promise to pay Pallison Boxley of Louisa county the sum of Six Hundred and Seventy dollars current money of virginia on or before the 25th day of Decmr 1819 it being for the hire of Four negro men two boys and a woman for the next ensuing year and the said Negroes to be returned on or before the 25th day of Decmr Eighteen Hundred and Nineteen, as Witness our hands and seals this 15th day of Decmr 1818
Geo Vest | Nelson Barksdale {seal} Proctor to C Collge | |
John Nunn | Ludw Bramham {seal} | |
Wm Byars |
MS (ViU: PP); endorsed on verso by Barksdale: “14of Feby 1820 Recvd the within of Alexr Garrett Burser UV viz the hands”; signed by Nelson BarksdalePallison Boxley; with additional docket: “
”; with related calculations;
Barksdale | } | Feb: 12 20 |
to | Bond | |
Boxley | $670 | |
for the hire of Negroes | ||
paid 12th Feby 1820 $670 |
$670.00 |
5.57 |
$675.57 |
127.98 |
Nelson Barksdale | ||
and | ||
Ludlow Branham | ||
$ | 6706" | 670 |
11/12 | 4020 | |
335 | ||
2/3 mt | 222 | |
$ | 557 |

Date Range
December 15, 1818