Mary Trist Jones (Tournillon) to Harriet Brown
My Dear Harriot | Ballstown August 5 1809 |
We have been here two weeks the first nine days Phil was so ill that I never left my room his foot was extremely swolen for several days & he is better now then I have seen him for a year but I have been very sick a cold fell on my breast which obliged me to submit to bleeding and physicizing which has perfectly restored me—how much I wish for you to partake of the gayety of this house Tis an emense establishment there are one hundred and four bedrooms—one hundred and fifty persons sat down to dinner to day & last season there were eighteen hundred persons here during the day—they read sing and sport at night dance there are regular Balls twice a week such a scene of wit I never witnessed I chose a room in the third story the last in one of the wings which is tolerably quiet and I seldom make my appearance Last night I went down to the ball believing that I should see Madam Munro dance (who is here for a month without the General) but she declined however I was highly gratified by seeing one of the Young Ladies in her suite She is not handsome but has [. . .] A very agreeable face her manners are modest pleasing and unaffected without a single grimace I met her one morning at the well she called on me the next day while I was riding after makig making several enquiries and saying a thousand civil things she told Phils sister she hoped I would not leave New York before her return—as she would be extremely gratified by givig giving me a Ball hav[e] you heard from New Orleans I think them unpardonable we will all be placed in a very unpleasant situation if William does not write soon there are no Bills to be bought on Orleans and Phils havig advanced Charles four hundred dollars will leave us without money to get home and without it Charles cannot ever go for you—
August 7th
My dear Harriot while I was writing Phil was attacked with the tooth ache the pain became so violent that he sent for his physician who pulled two of his jaw teeth the moment they were extracted the pain flew to his stomach from that to his knee and finally to his foot which is more inflamed then ever The Doctor here says he never saw any person so full of gout as he is heaven only knows when if ever he will obtain any permanent relief [. . .] it The waters have givig given [. . .] good appetite which helps [. . .] out him The moment he can bear traveling we will leave this for new York, There is a grand ball down stairs and the girls tell me upwards of four hundred persons at it, Phil has been waiting for money to urge my Mother to come to Philadelphia remember me with dearest affection to her and all friends I hope the Boys write to you Adieu dear Sister may we soon meet.