Francis Eppes to Maria J. Eppes (Shine)
Tallahassee July 20th 1864 |
Well my ever dearest Maria, you are at last (if we may credit Fanns letter) safely mor moored in the haven of yr. hopes! and enjoying the pleasant company of yr. hospitable friends; and in anticipation the renovating influences of the salubrious & invigorating clime to whc you have flown. You must dismiss bad feelings now—pain is not admissible—nor is physic! Suck in fresh air—take long walks; as long as you can endure. But I repeat take no remedies—and in a few weeks you will find yr. appetite & strength returning, and Cousin Jane will soon not be able to recognise in the bright eye & rosy cheeks & smiles of returning health, the poor sickly, hollow eyed, green looking, melancholy little quiz, that once upon a time, threw an ominous line of shadow over her hospitable board. See now I have by no means forgot you when I can after so many days draw such an exact portrait! I was much grieved to hear of yr. detentions on the way. They were provoking indeed. But having got through safe, in life & limb, you have reason, in such times as these to be most thankful. I am glad to hear that Cousin Henry was so kind to you, though I was sure he would be. I hope he did not suffer as much himself as I feared he would. Do you feel safe where you are? It is rumoured here that a raid is contemplated by the yankees on Columbus? Indeed these are stirring times; there is war & rumour of war every where. It was reported yesterday that the Yanks were advancing on Lake City but it turned out a mistake. I apprehend nothing here unless Johnson & Lee are forced to give way, & that I cant comprehend. We have heard nothing very recently from Nick—nothing since the fall back over the Chattahoochie. I trust that all is well. Bro Jack & Josephine arrived yesterday, and I shall return their visit next week. I Suppose you see the papers & have seen all the exciting news of the last ten days. I have heard nothing from Millbrook; & greatly fear that the intercourse whc is now partially reopened will be continually rebroken, during the next two months. So you must do the best you can in Georgia, and leave yr. visit to Va for the 1st year of glorious peace. Mama & all including little John & Fann from whom I heard today are well, and all here send love. I enclose an order on yr. Cousin Henry in yr favour for some money whc I paid for him here. This will replenish yr. exhausted Tres’ry somewhat. Write me if you need any more at present. I have no time to write a longer letter [. . .] so you must excuse me until next time. Remember me kindly to yr. Cousins Jane & Fanny & Henry. I shld be much pleased to see them all return with you—In haste & affly yrs