Joseph C. Cabell to Arthur S. Brockenbrough

Dear Sir,

I thank you for your favor by Capt: Perry and wish I had time to write you a more full & satisfactory answer. My time is now entirely occupied. It is painful to me to tell you that clouds of difficulty roll over our horizon & darken our prospects. Yet I hope that we shall be able to procure the funds requisite to finish the buildings. I beg my friends to hope for this result & to be ready for the worst. Far be it from me to reflect on my colleagues: but I must confess that the present House of Delegates seems to me to be governed by shortsighted narrow views & local interests, and I begin to look forward to a future assembly as the unfortunate in this life look to a future state. In the Senate all is right. Your suggestions are excellent. Excuse my brevity. Assure my friends of my constant & zealous attention. Capt: Perry will hand you & mr Garrett the supplement to the University Report. With assurances of my sincere respect & esteem, I remain yr obt servt

Joseph C. Cabell
RC (ViU: JCC); with half of address cover torn away; at foot of text: “Mr Brokenbrough”; endorsed by Brockenbrough: “Cabell J C 31 Jany 1821”; with his additional notation: “Petersburg No 854 July 6th 180[. . .]F. Bank Va Lynchburg No [. . .].”
Date Range
January 31, 1821