Francis Eppes to Nicholas P. Trist
Dr Nicholas | Poplar–ForestNov. 7. 26. |
Will you oblige me so far as to deliver the two vols. sent by Mr R,—to your care, to Mr Jones at his Bookstore. they were sent to me by mistake, or in lieu, of another, but as I had them already on hand, I informed C. & H. that I should take this method of returning them.—I recieved a letter from Jefferson a few days ago, in which I learn the small chance of success to the lottery scheme. it was not unexpected. Many circumstances of late, have induced me to believe, that the liberality and generosity, and patriotism of the old Dominion, is in the wane. the noxious exhalations from the eastern states, have poisoned our atmosphere. Yankee notions, and Yankee practices, have wrought a thorough change in the public mind. the maxim now is to take care of number one; and that too at the expence, of every principle, of honour, and generosity, and justice. you may depend, that the settling of this leaden hearted, copper-souled race of tin pedlars, amongst us, has had a great effect in poisoning the public mind; and that added to the continued emigration of the old settlers from the State, and the more equal distribution of property, has smothered the flame which once burnt in our bosoms. I had hoped however that in this case, some timely revival of old feelings would save our countrys honour. what will the world say when they see in the public papers the only child of the man to whom she owes so much, forced to sell her all. what base and monstrous ingratitude, must that be, which can bury in the grave of the benefactor all sense of the benefits recieved. but such conduct requires no comment. it is enough that it should meet the eye of mankind, to be consigned to everlasting infamy.—
I am told that you are all to be quartered out this winter. if consistent with your duties and interests, I hope there is no need to tell you how much happiness Virginia and you could confer upon us by your presence. I can offer you what you have so long desired—solitude and books—uninterrupted solitude, if you wish it. we are not much pestered with company I can assure you. there is not enough even for me, For I like that, degree of sociability, which does not interfere with more important duties.—What say you to a general move to a more southern latitude. I want to go where I can make more money. Could not Jeff (your anchor) be moved, think you? What say you to Florida,—or Kentuckie; or Tenessee; or Missouri? I will go any where so that we may all settle together: but from accounts lately recieved should greatly prefer E. Florida I am told that money and health, are the spontaneous productions of that soil. that the climate is most delightfully temperate: never hot, never cold; but under the unvarying influence of a delightful sea breeze. such I am told is the climate of Talahassee and of all the country between the Chatahoochee and Suwaney rivers. the best land is worth $ 4 pr acre and Cuffee hires, for one hundred and sixty dollars pr annum!!!—Here lies the road to wealth! bundle up, and let us leave our gullies to the yankee pedlars, who covet them so much.—mind you I only abuse en masse:—I never saw a fellow in all my life who gained so much upon my affections in the same space of time, as Joe Coolidge:—but it was because he is entirely different from any yankee that I ever saw. I am more particularly enraged at this time, because I have just heard, that the Bostonians, have withdrawn their subscription ‘in toto.’ What has become of Browse! he has given me up I suppose, as my last is still unanswered.—Will you have occasion to use your Grammar & Logic of Tracy this winter? if not I should like to borrow them. the ideology properly speaking, I have. I will take good care of and return the vols. in the spring. My best love to Virginia. tell her that under all changes and chances, I shall always sincerly love her— dare I propose a correspondence to you, dont be vexed if it can be troublesome, I had much rather that you should refuse at once, then drop me afterwards by degrees. I put you upon your sincerity, and if you deceive me will never forgive it. [m]y love to Cornelia & Mary—C. I shall soon see I hope—believe me Dr Nic. truly yr friend