Elizabeth Tufton to Martha Jefferson Randolph
London March 21st 1790 |
On my arrival here, I was most agreeably surprized in receiving a letter from you, for to own the truth I began almost to fear new connexions and friends had entirely obliterated in my dear Mrs Randolph the remembrance of one who not withstanding the distance which seperates us, will always feel great pleasure in hearing from you. I hope it is almost unnecessary to add how greatly my satisfaction was increased in finding you were so happy. I wish that you may have also before this reaches you an addition to your happiness, which I shall be glad to hear, as well as of your perfect recovery. I am infinitely obliged to you for dispensing with my writing a journal, as it must have appeared uncommonly dull without civiles love-letters or enchantments. Just now [. . .], what indeed has for some time engaged the attention of most people in this town is the dispute between the two Opera houses which must certainly entertain you very much, but you will there-fore lament Botidoux cannot be even with the assistance of the prophet at two places at the same time, as you would have some chance of knowing the merits of each case. We had unexpectedly a visit from Miss Dashwood, she wrote to Caroline three months ago to say she was to be married in a few days to Mr Parker, Lord Macclesfield’s son, she was then at his house in the Country, the match is certainly put off as they are all come to town & she at present is with Lady Murray, which is not certainly a good thing for her, but her guardians, I hear say, they do not know how to manage Miss Dashwood which I conclude to be the reason, she does not live with either of them—I fancy Ly. M. has made her alter her opinion about Mr P. as his older brother has children, he will not be a Lord, which we know she would like better, but I do not think it by any means desirable for her to marry him, he is reckoned very foolish & a bad character, as he sold out of the army when his regiment was ordered abroad on the report of a war. But I must not forget to mention your favorite Mr Coutts, his Madame & his daughters are all at Paris, they talk of returning in ten days just as they did when we1 knew them there two years ago, they live in the same style giving balls & etc, they have received several proposals from the [. . .] & other of their partners, which have been all refused—but if it happens you are the least interested in any part of this stupid epistle, you must certainly be so in regard to the charming Miss Charlotte Derings, will have the humanity to pity her misfortunes, which are no less than that she is returned to live in England with all her Family & has lived ever since in the country. she never speaks any thing but French, she wrote to Caroline 4 pages to complain of her triste sort, to live parmi les sauvages, which she has not answered & indeed I do not think it deserves to be, as it is very ridiculous & still more to pretend to have forgotten her own language—but lest you should wish me to pretend the same forgetfulness, by taking so much of your time, I shall conclude this with earnest wishes for your welfare & believe me my Dear Mrs Randolph Yours very sincerely