Martha Jefferson Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge
Washington June 25th 1832 |
Mr Barrel has this moment sent dearest Ellen to inform me that he leaves Washington at 12 to night, and but for the hope that I have of seeing you here, I beleive I should have exerted my self to the utmost to have accompanied him even on at that short warning Jane is extremely anxious that you should take your children to Edgehill both Jefferson and her self wish it. they think [. . .] the mountain air would be as serviceable to them as it was to Virginia’s children who have been1 compleatly restored to health by their visit to Virginia last summer and I think both Joseph and your self would be the better for change of air & scene for a time. let me know immediately what your plans are I think certainly that you had better spend the summer & autumn with us whatever you future plans may be. if you will not, why then I will join you as soon as possible. I have sent you a muslin and a frock & fan for dear Nell which will suit for the next summer should it be useless for this. God bless you My dear child all here join in love to Joseph and Your self Nicholas intended writing to Joseph to press the subject of your visit. Mary has just received a letter from Elisabeth (Eppes) sending a great deal of love to you. she says begs Mary to tell you that “you were always an object of affectionate solicitude to her [. . .] mother, and give her from me assurances of unchanged attachment, what friend can ever be like those of our youth? no time nor distance can ever render us indifferent” I have repeated her own words. the family seem compleat completely crushed by there misfortune and poor Elisabeth is to be confined this month. I do not know if you have heard of Mr Brockenbrough’s death. he has left a large family entirely destituted. God bless you My dear children and give you strength and resignation to bear what his wisdom inflicts prays your ever affectionate