Martha Jefferson Randolph to Joseph Coolidge
Cary’s brook Jan. 25. 1829 |
Your letters are always most welcome dear Joseph whether “two days” or two months should have intervened between them. they do not require the additional recommendation of containing a bulletin of the new comer and his dear mother’s health1 grateful as that must allways be to me, to make them very agreable to me. I must ever feel a deep interest in you for their sakes, and I love and esteem you for your own, after living with, and near you for nearly two years. I recieved your letter in the midst of my preparations for a visit to Cary’s brook where V. and my self mean to spend a fortnight or three weeks. I shall visit much more than is agreable to me this winter to relieve Jefferson fr as much as possible from the burthen of our large family and I feel no scruples in returning visits now that I am without a home to those who pass who received so many my self as long as I had a house to receive them in. the winter has been so mild that there has been few, if any days, in which it would have been unsafe to have taken little Jeffy out in the carriage. he too is “an uncommon strong child” but as we say in Virginia a “right ugly one” and like another changeling “never with out the squall or the — in his mouth”. with the latter his poor mother can but seldom accomodate him, a healthy black woman in the day, and the pap boat at night pretty generally supply her deficiencies. but the food does not agree with him and he is always squalling with hunger or indigestion, particularly during the night. Nicholas has a prospect of getting rid of the paper without much loss if any. our plans are all thoroughly matured he has got a dining room servi servant from V. Cary who bears a very high character (from the Emmets who hired him,) and at a very moderate price $ 450 at twelve months from the date of the bond; quite a young man. V. had his wife for her nurse which made his mistress anxious to dispose of him to us in preference, and as she really is a humane and liberal woman sacrificed at least $ 50 which she might have got from any one in Richmond. her conduct to the family has been very affectionate and kind from the time of our misfortunes. I believe I told E— of her getting $ 1000 for the copy right of a small volume 250 pages only, and she has been applied to for two other works which are now publishing one in Philadelphia, & one in Richmond, while the first is going through a second edition already. when I go to Charlottesville I will deliver your messages to Pofessors Lomax & Tucker. I have but a moment left to beg you still to write till E is well enough to do it. kiss her with a mothers love and the little ones, particularly my own beloved baby that I love too much for my own happiness. remember me also to dear George. I forgot to mention to you that he wanted books, with those, and pocket money I must beg you to supply him when ever you have the funds in your hands. I hope I shall be able to keep always before hand so that the money may be always in place. remember me most respectfully and affectionately to your own family, Your dear Mother, Mrs Storer and Mrs Swett & old Mrs Coolidge most particularly, and also to your father & Mr Storer God bless you and yours dear Joseph prays your affectionate friend and Mother