Martha Jefferson Randolph to Joseph Coolidge
Monticello April 8th 1826 |
I have but one moment moment My dear Joseph to acknowledge the receipt of your most welcome letter, and to thank you again and again for the considerate kindness which prompted the immediate intelligence of her having passed her hour of trial and danger so fortunately. it is the more consolatory as such good fortune in the first instance promises well for the future also, and has relieved my anxious heart from a great deal of immediate suffering. Cornelia will be much mortified at not being in place during the first fortnight, but I am so well pleased to have the business over so much sooner than she expected that it more than compensates for the absence of the “foolish virgin” whose lamp was not ready in time, not from her own fault but from circumstances which we could not controul—I am also well pleased that her feelings should have been spared the trial which awaited them, for poor child her health and spirits have both suffered much this winter and she looked so very pale and thin when I parted with her. she will tell you that we were all delighted with the piano, but how much she cannot tell, for it improves or rather we are every day acquiring the touch necessary from for bringing out it’s sweet tones. every body is struck with the clearness and sweetness of the tone. if ever I should have it it in my power to purchase one I will have [. . .] one from the same makers. and I think My father is so much pleased with it that if the lottery turns out as it promises so as to justify such a luxury he will certainly get one. but this is as it may be, our necessary expenses are so great that it seems very idle to be talking of any that are not indispensable kiss my dearest Ellen and her little treasure for me and as I should with all a mother’s love. adieu and God bless you both my dear children. I hope Jefferson and Cornelia are with you before this every body was well at Tufton yesterday, Jane had been slightly indisposed but was quite well again adieu again remember me to all you dear household and believe me f ever with unalterable love your most affectionate Mother
My father is still improving in his health his laudanum has been gradually diminished to 70 drops without any ill effects