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Extract from John Adams to Arthur Lee, 31 Jan. 1785 [Quote]

My new Partner, is an old Friend and Co-adjutor, whose Character I Studied, nine or ten Years ago, and which I do not perceive to be altered. The Same industry, Integrity, and Talents remain without diminution. I am very happy in him but whether We Shall be able to accomplish any Thing here, I...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 7 Nov. 1785 [Quote]

Chocolate. this article when ready made, and also the Cacao becomes so easily soon rancid, and the difficulties of getting it fresh have been so great in America that it’s use has spread but little. the way to increase it’s consumption would be to permit it to be brought to us immediately from...

Extract from John Adams to Henry Knox, 15 Dec. 1785 [Quote]

You can Scarcely have heard a Character too high of my Friend and Colleague Mr. Jefferson, either in point of Power or Virtues. My Fellow Labourer in Congress, eight or nine years ago, upon many arduous Tryals, particularly in the draught of our Declaration of Independence and in the formation of...

Extract from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 Feb. 1793 [Quote]

Fryday night I Spent with the Philosophical society. The Meeting was thin: but I was not able to perceive any great superiority to our Academy, except in the President. There are able Men however, and I was agreably entertained. Mr Jefferson was polite enough to accompany me: so you see We are...

Extract from John Adams to Uriah Forrest, 20 June 1797 [Quote]

I received yesterday your favor of the 23rd ... The paper inclosed in it is a serious thing. It will be a motive, in addition to many others, for me to be upon my guard. It is evidence of a mind, soured, yet seeking for popularity, and eaten to a honeycomb with ambition, yet weak, confused,...

Extract from the Autobiography of John Adams, [ca. 1802–1805] [Quote]

Mr Jefferson, had been now about a Year a Member of Congress, but had attended his Duty in the House but a very Small part of the time and when there had never Spoken in public: and during the whole Time I Satt with him in Congress, I never heard him utter three Sentences together. The most of a...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 21 Jan. 1812 [Quote]

here we do little in the fine way, but in coarse & midling goods a great deal. every family in the country is a manufactory within itself, and is very generally able to make within itself all the stouter and midling stuffs for it’s own cloathing & houshold use. we consider a sheep for...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 11 June 1812 [Quote]

before the revolution they were in the habit of coming often, & in great numbers to the seat of our government, where I was very much with them. I knew much the great Outassetè, the warrior and orator of the Cherokees. he was always the guest of my father, on his journies to & from...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 27 May 1813 [Quote]

Another of our friends of 76. is gone, my dear Sir, another of the Co-signers of the independance of our country. and a better man, than Rush, could not have left us, more benevolent, more learned, of finer genius, or more honest. we too must go; and that ere long.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 12 Oct. 1813 [Quote]

we must reduce our volume to the simple evangelists, select, even from them, the very words only of Jesus ... there will be found remaining the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man. I have performed this operation for my own use, by cutting verse by verse...
