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Extract from Francis W. Gilmer to William Wirt, 28 Mar. 1817 [Quote]

of all the persons I have known, Mr. Jefferson appears to owe most to the manner of his intercourse with mankind, there is nothing more fascinating about him than the appearance of perfect candour. He is much more of a courtier than I can ever be, with every aspect of the most unconcerned...

Thomas Mann Randolph to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 3 Apr. 1817

Will you do me the favor to inform me whether the Branch Bank of the U.S. in Richmond means to lend money upon security in land? If they do, whether one or more Indorsers, resident in town, will be demanded; and to what amount of the value they will be likely to accomodate any one person, whose...

John F. Dumoulin to Nicholas P. Trist, 12 Apr. 1817

I regret being forced to begin this letter with an apology and know not how I can do so otherwise—hurry and want of time are such trite and I must say generally such false excuses on these occasions, that however justifiably I might plead them in my own behalf at present, I detest having...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Dinsmore, 13 Apr. 1817 [Quote]

We are about to establish a College near Charlottesville on the lands formerly Colo Monroe’s, a mile above the town. we do not propose to erect a single grand building, but to form a square of perhaps 200 yards, and to arrange around that pavilions of about 24. by 36.f. one for every...

John Wayles Eppes to Francis Eppes, 2 May 1817

Your Mama is still staying with your aunt Baker—The mail when I passed Raines yesterday in returning here had not got in—Your uncle Baker has been kind enough to send up today but even if I get a letter from you there will be no chance of sending an answer by this mail. Jefferson came to our...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 5 May 1817 [Quote]

I do not entertain your apprehensions for the happiness of our brother Madison in a state of retirement. such a mind as his, fraught with information, and with matter for reflection, can never know ennui. besides, there will always be work enough cut out for him to continue his active usefulness...

Martha J. Terrell (Minor) to Dabney C. Terrell, 5 May 1817

I have this moment recieved your letter of the 11th of Jan: I hasten to assure you, that, though your friends have not written often, they have not neglected you so entirely as you have reason to think. Uncle Dabney, Mr. Gilmer, Nancy Carr have written. Your friend Madison I know has written, for...

Newspaper Report of Central College Board of Visitors Meeting, 5 May 1817

On the 5th. of this month, three men were seen together at Charlottesville (county of Albemarle) each of whom alone is calculated to attract the eager gaze of their Fellow-Citizens—We mean, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, two of them, ex-presidents, and the last the present...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Josephus B. Stuart, 10 May 1817 [Quote]

You say I must go to writing history. while in public life, I had not time: and now that I am retired, I am past the time. to write history requires a whole life of observation, of enquiry, of labor and correction. it’s materials are not to be found among the ruins of a decayed memory. at this...

John Wayles Eppes to Francis Eppes, 17 May 1817

I received a letter from you by the last mail and am sorry that you are capable of suspecting any person of an act of so much meanness as to enter your chamber Secretly and cut your cloathes. You should endeavour my Son to curb and correct your temper—quickness of temper is often destructive to...

Alexander Garrett to John H. Cocke, 23 June 1817

Knowing your anxiety to learn the state of the controversey with Perry about the title to the land purchased of him for the use of the Central collage, I hasten to communicate to you that all difficulties have been removed by an agreement between Messrs Jefferson & Perry by which Mr Perry is...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 2 July 1817

Be assured My much valued and dear friend that your letter was most welcome to my heart, for I had almost despaird of ever having the pleasure to recieve another letter from you I shou’d not have been cerimonious and concluded to give you once more some proof of my remembrance, had not I felt...

Alexander Garrett to John H. Cocke, 19 July 1817

I send you herewith a copy of the subscriptions to the Central College up to the present day, so far as they have been assertained or the out subscriptions heard from, I have found that in soliciting subscriptions, that a long list of subscribers appearing allready upon the paper presented has...

Thomas Jefferson Randolph to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 23 July 1817

I have this day drawn on you for seven hundred dollars payable to Benjn Perkins or order as a part of a draught which I hold drawn on you by Alexander Garrett for $1200 payable on the first of August 1817. as the first payment for a parcel of negroes which I bought in payments of f one fourth...

Thomas Mann Randolph to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 5 August 1817

I have just received your two favors of the 31. July & 3d Aug. The kind interest they avince in my concerns gives me, very highly agreeable, and very truly gratefull sensations. I have a memd from the Cashier himself: the 10.000 is due Augt 10/13: next Wednesday, and not tomorrow, of course...