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Thomas Jefferson Randolph to Jane H. Nicholas Randolph, 10 July 1815

Upon my arrival here I found my affairs so deranged in consequence of my not coming up on saturday that It will be necessary for me to return by the head of Rock fish, a neighbor which abounds in distilleries and whiskey drinkers, Nogs & tories. this will place Charlottesville, almost...

James Madison to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 2 Aug. 1815

I have recd yours of the 28th Ult: The wishes of your son & of yourself, that he might be appd to the Consulate at Leghorn had been previously made known to me; and I Should have taken sincere pleasure in doing what depends on me for giving effect to them, had they the way been sufficiently...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 10 Aug. 1815 [Quote]

On the subject of the history of the American revolution, you ask who shall write it? who can write it? and who ever will be able to write it? nobody; except merely it’s external facts. all it’s councils, designs and discussions, having been conducted by Congress with closed doors, and no member,...

David M. Randolph to Thomas Eston Randolph, 25 Aug. 1815

This communication flowing from a full recollection of departed excellence, woud not now be addressed to you particularly, were it not from a belief of our respected brother-in-law T. M. R.s being absent from your neighborhood. The object of it, you will readily perceive to be deeply interesting...

Mary Trist Jones Tournillon to Nicholas P. Trist, 8 Dec. 1815

This will handed to you by a charming little boy who has passed a few days with your brother, pray shew him every kindness and attention in your power as we have received many from his family; I wrote you by the last mail mentioning that I had sent by Madam Meriams boat a box and Trunk and...

Pocahontas Bolling Cabell to Susan Wilcox Hubard, 23 Dec. 1815

On my return home yesterday even’g from Lynchburg I very unexpectedly met with Mr Eldridge who inform’d me he was bearer of the intelligence of Miss Logwoods marriage to the Lynchburg Press. That they were at the wedding and that he would call here today for letters if I wished to write—which in...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Fleming, 29 Dec. 1815 [Quote]

I presume, like the rest of us in the country, you are in the habit of houshold manufacture, and that you will not, like too many, abandon it on the return of peace, to enrich our late enemy, and to nourish foreign agents in our bosom, whose baneful influence & intrigues cost us so much...

Harriet F. Randolph to Mary J. Randolph, [ca. 1816-1817]

When I received your note my dearest life, my heart reproached me for the omission of which you spoke, but believe me it was entirely accidental & occasioned I sup now suppose by the haste in which I wrote, & the frequent twinges of the Col. which made my note so brief & so illegible...

Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 5 Jan. 1816

Phill is just leaving town my dearest Mother and I detain him a few moments untill I can write f a few lines to let you know that we arrived safe last evening. the first days journey was a very disagreable one, the roads rough and the carriage a very uneasy, one at Goochland Court, house where we...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 6 Jan. 1816 [Quote]

if a nation expects to be ignorant & free, in a state of civilisation, it expects what never was & never will be. the functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty & property of their constituents. there is no safe deposit for these but with the...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 20 Jan. 1816 [Quote]

I request you to procure for me 4. gross of bottles, the strong kind preferred & 12. gross of corks, the best, as bad ones is throwing away our liquor. there are two only of the Milton watermen who can be trusted with any thing which can be plundered or adulterated, Gilmer & Johnson....

Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge) to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 22 Jan. 1816

I arrived here yesterday morning after a most disagreable & fatiguing journey. We left Richmond friday morning at four o clock, and reached Fredericksburg at eleven o clock at night, having travelled sixteen miles after dark, the roads dreadfull. the second day’s journey was only fifty miles...