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Mary J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), [ca. 30 Oct. 1814]

as I promised to write to you first I am not surprised at your silence. I have planted all of the flower roots that you left with me & mama has given me several others of diferent kinds for you. I have learnt the multiplication table at last & done a few sums besides. little tim has got...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 14 Nov. 1814

You were right in suposing My Dear Virginia That we would have written sooner but for want of your address. the moment we recieved it Mary wrote to you. I was very sick after you left us, the walk I believe was the cause of it, for I was taken with a violent fever and headach that night which...

Mary J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), [after 2 Nov. 1814]

I was very much disappointed at not receiving a letter from you by Brother Charles as I expected you would write. your little maid was born the 2nd of november I wish you would write us word what you want her named & I will try & persuade Betsey to let us name it I have read the little...

Cornelia J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 7 Nov. 1814

I have been waiting for brother Charleses return all along to write to you, and had just determined to write by the post when he arrived, he is going to set of tomorrow and I have not time to write to Sister Ann by him, & besides that I wrote to her the other day. Papa has not returned yet...

Hore Browse Trist to Elizabeth Trist, 20 Nov. 1814

I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of yours of last month (which was forwarded me from new Orleans) and that Mother presented us with a brother last thursday who is the image of his father. though Nicholas went immediately for the doctor who resides 10 miles from here and rode as fast...

John Wayles Eppes to Alexander J. Dallas, 26 Nov. 1814

Your letter to the chairman of the committee on the Bank question this morning has greatly mortified and astonished your friends—For myself I do assure you that nothing has occurred since my being in public life which has excited in my bosom such a sentiment of Despair—You have blasted our hopes...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph (Trist), 29 Nov. 1814

I will write you a few lines My Dear Virginia allthough I am in a great hurry. yet shall it never be said that I neglected you so much as to let so direct an opportunity pass with out some token of remembrance. I send you by Nancy some fur which perhaps you may be able to make some use of, though...

John Wayles Eppes to Alexander J. Dallas, 30 Nov. 1814

Your letter of the 29th was received late last Evening—The one I addressed to you was written under the impulse of feelings produced at the moment your communication was read—I viewed with apprehension and dread what appeared to me an official declaration that “public credit no longer existed”—...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Melish, 10 Dec. 1814 [Quote]

instead of fearing and endeavoring to crush our prosperity, had they cultivated it in friendship, it might have become a bulwark instead of a breaker to them. there has never been an administration in this country which would not gladly have met them more than half way on the road to an equal, a...

Elizabeth Trist to Catharine Wistar Bache, 21 Dec. 1814

Altho we have not quite accomplish’d our half yearly occupation of cloathing the Negroes, from a wound in my thumb I am exempted from duty for the present, as I can not be altogether without employment my inclination urges me to chat a little with my dear and much esteem’d friend Mrs Bache who...

Extract about Thomas Jefferson, by Joseph Delaplaine [1815] [Quote]

In conversation, he is free and communicative. All topics that fall under discussion are treated by him with equal unreservedness. He seems, indeed, to have no thought or opinion to conceal, and his stores of knowledge are unlocked and laid open with the same freedom in which nature unfolds her...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to David Williams, 14 Nov. 1803 [Quote]

the class principally defective is that of agriculture. it is the first in utility, & ought to be the first in respect. the same artificial means which have been used to produce a competition to learning, may be equally successful in restoring agriculture to it’s primary dignity in the eyes...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to David Williams, 14 Nov. 1803 [Quote]

altho’ we have, in the old countries of Europe, the lesson of their experience, to warn us, yet I am not satisfied we shall have the firmness & wisdom to profit by it. the general desire of men to live by their heads rather than their hands, & the strong allurements of great cities to...

Nicholas P. Trist to Elizabeth Trist, 14 Jan. 1815

I went to Baton rouge the other day & found at the post office two letters from you, one of the 6th Novb for myself and one of the 8th Decb for Browse, which caused us great pleasure as a considerable space of time had elapsed since last we heard from you. You mention in your letter to me...

Will of Peter Carr, 14 Jan. 1815

(copy) In the name of God—Amen. I Peter Carr of Albemarle do make this last will in manner and form following 1st It is my desire that all my debts be paid with all convenient expedition: This as to my debts generally: with respect to those two, due to my Sister Cary, and sister Mary, it is...

John Armistead to Thomas Mann Randolph, 21 Jan. 1815

The legislature having past a Law for raising troops It becomes necessary that applycations for Commissions should be immediately made and as Its my wish to continue in the Service, and having Served under you am induced to make the following request. If in your opinion I deserve the Same, (ie a...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Charles Clay, 29 Jan. 1815 [Quote]

of publishing a book on religion, my dear Sir, I never had an idea. I should as soon think of writing for the reformation of Bedlam, as of the world of religious sects. of these there must be at least ten thousand, every individual of every one of which believes all are wrong but his own. to...