would to god that nation would so far be just in her conduct; as that we might without honor give her that friendship it is so much our interest to bear her.
while we regret the sufferings of individuals employed in agriculture & commerce, the nation at large will derive sensible advantage from the conversion of the situation into which we have thus been forced has impelled us to apply a portion of our industry & capital to internal...
no two countries upon earth have so many points of common interest & friendship: & their rulers must be great bunglers indeed if with such dispositions they break them asunder.
mr Duane informed me that he meant to publish a new edition of the Notes on Virginia ... I should in that case certainly qualify severel expressions in the 19th chapter which have been construed differently from what they were intended. I had under my eye, when writing, the manufacturers of the...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Dec. 20. and am much pleased to find our progress in manufactures to be so great. that of cotton is peculiarly interesting, because we raise the raw material in such abundance, and because it may to a great degree supply our deficiencies both in...
convinced that all manufactures carried on on private account are so much more economically conducted than by the public, that whatsoever can be found at market can be cheaper bought there than manufactured by the public, we undertake no manufactures of any thing which can be got at market. small...
again there the best distribution of labor is supposed to be that which places the manufacturing hands alongside of the agricultural; so that the one part shall feed both, & the other part furnish both with clothes & other comforts. would that be best here? egoism and first appearances...
would it not be best to make the internal columns of well burnt bricks moulded in portions of circles adapted to the diminution of the columns. Ld Burlington in his notes on Palladio tells us that he found most of the buildings erected under Palladio’s direction & he described in his...
there never was a Palladio here even in private hands till I brought one ... I send you my portable edition, which I value because it is portable ... it contains only the 1st book on the orders, which is the essential part.
we defer therefore till this time twelve month to avail ourselves of the instruction of that place, and particularly of your kindness in the two branches of Botany and Natural history to which we wish him particularly to apply.