The interruption of our commerce with England, produced by our embargo & non-intercourse law, & the general indignation excited by her bare-faced attempts to make us accessories & tributories to her usurpations on the high seas, have generated in this country an universal spirit of...
instead of fearing and endeavoring to crush our prosperity, had they cultivated it in friendship, it might have become a bulwark instead of a breaker to them. there has never been an administration in this country which would not gladly have met them more than half way on the road to an equal, a...
I have withdrawn myself from all political intermedlings, to indulge the evening of my life with what have been the passions of every portion of it, books, science, my farms, my family and friends. to these every hour of the day is now devoted.
I have received the favor of your letter of aug: 17. and with it the Volume you were so kind as to send me on the literature of negroes. be assured that no person living wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a complete refutation of the doubts I have myself entertained and expressed on the...
Great Britain, in her pride and ascendency, has certainly hated and despised us beyond every earthly object. her hatred may remain, but the hour of her contempt is past; and is succeeded by dread; not a present, but a distant and deep one. it is the greater, as she feels herself plunged into an...
would to god that nation would so far be just in her conduct; as that we might without honor give her that friendship it is so much our interest to bear her.
while we regret the sufferings of individuals employed in agriculture & commerce, the nation at large will derive sensible advantage from the conversion of the situation into which we have thus been forced has impelled us to apply a portion of our industry & capital to internal...