Elizabeth Trist to Nicholas P. Trist
My Very dear Grand Son | Liberty 21st Jany 1823 |
I feel a degree of uneasiness not hearing from you since the 21st of Octob[er] and had I not received a letter from my Darling Browse dated 21st Dec in which he mentions that Mr Tournillon and your self had been to New Orle[ans] on business, the information created a good deal of uneasiness in my mind least both of you might have partaken of the malady that prevaild in that place, I participate in all that concerns you and it is not without heart felt anguish that the times have borne so hard upon you all I often reflect on the misfortunes that have attended my painful and eventful life, and1 wonder why any one shou'd wish for longivity unless to do good to those who stand in need—but my powers are limited and still I have reason to be thankfull for many blessings tho not satisfied with my present situation in consiquence of want of House room four or five noisey Boys tho they are under some control when Peachey is at home which is not the case at present he left [. . .] this about 3 weeks since for Richmond and I make no doubt has pass'd his time very pleasantly the Legislature sitting will afford him the opportunity of seeing a number of his friends William has taken the Command of them during school hours in expectation of having a school establish'd in this Town several have offerd as Teachers and I fear they will some of them be disappointed the times are dreadful if we may Judge from the numbers that are migrating to different points of the Continent Scarse a day passes that families are not going to the Alabama Missoura or some of those places they carry a number of Slaves with them I dare Say there has gone through this place this day two or three hundred their Master and family in close carriages waggons with Provision and cloathing and Beding all seem to be comfortably provided with the comforts of life but I fancy they will go furthur and fare worse, The times are become distressing, and It grieves me that they extend to the Fourche but I hope that fortune will be more favorable this than the last year God grant that success may attend all your endeavours and that the blessing of health will not be denied you all, I have had very indifferent health but am now tolarably well I receive frequent testimony of the Remembrance of my Albemarle Friends who express their wishes to see me, God knows I shall rejoice to have the opportunity of visiting that Neighbourhood once more, I have very little chance of ever paying many visits for I have no chance of Riding unless on Horse back on an animal that I am afraid to Mount I have become a poor creature not Strength or energy for any undertaking and I am disperited from the reflection that my existence has become a Burthen to my self and friends I am ungrateful to complain but if it pleases God to spare your lives and prosper your endeavours I shall not murmur I presume you heard of Mr Jeffersons misfortune he fell down one of those flights of Steps that leads from the Terrace and hurt him self exceedingly; the inner bone of his arm was fractured at the wrist this was the most serious his hand was badly cut and his head and shoulders a little, they soon got Dr Watkins owing to his skill he has sufferd no pain since the first day and tho Cornelia says from his looks and voice which is always affected by the least indisposition he has not found it necessary to keep his room since the first day rest well at night and has a good appetite She says that she is truly sorry to for yours and Browses loss, to begin ones career in life with disappointment is [. . .] disheartening but you are Young Men and such young men as to give your friends no fears concerning your success in the world—so much for Miss Cornelia I hope will be in your power to return all the kindnesses th[at] you have experienced from that family I hope this will find you all in good health Browse was not well when he wrote me on the 21st Dec he had a bad cold but hope that he has recoverd his health ere now and that your Grand Mother Brown got the better of her cough and the dear children continue to enjoy good health make my affectionate regard acceptable to Mr Tournillon and assure him that independent of my selfish principle my heart is devoted to his interest and happiness your Cousins Mary and Emma desire to be affectionately Rememberd to your self and Brother may God bless and preserve you and all the family and believe me your devoted Friend