James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph
Dear Sir | Montpellier July 14. 1826 |
I received by the last mail yours of the 8th inst: The Article bequeathed to me by your Grandfather, had been delivered by Dr Dunglison, and received with all the feelings due to such a token of the place I held in the friendship of one, whom I so much revered & loved, when living, and whose memory can never cease to be dear to me.
I must beg you, my dear Sir, to assure your excellent and dear mother that I shall be happy in every opportunity of proving the value I put on the kind invitation you have communicated, and to be assured yourself of my great & affectionate esteem.
James Madison
RC (Montpelier Foundation. Given in honor of J. Linzee Coolidge, 2012); endorsed by
Randolph (partially obscured by frame): “Madison James July 14 18[26].” FC (DLC: James Madison Papers); endorsed by Madison.

Date Range
July 14, 1826