Dabney C. Terrell’s Sonnet to Thomas Jefferson

Sonnet to Mr Jefferson

written in 18221

Immortal man! not only of thine own

The best and greatest, but of every age;

Thou whose meridian strength was prompt to wage

For liberty the war against a throne!

When thy gigantic mind had plac’d thee lone

And high, thou didst controul the wildest rage

Of rival factions—scorning to assuage;

To thee all nature’s mysteries are known:

Oh! how shall we of less etherial mould

Address our souls to thine? thy greatness weigh’d

Our love were too familiar and too bold;

Thy goodness, admiration were too cold;

But both united in men’s hearts have made

A monument whose glory shall not fade.

MS (NcU: NPT); entirely in Terrell’s hand; partially dated; endorsed by Nicholas P. Trist: “Terrell, Dabney C. Sonnet to T. Jefferson.”
1Beneath this line in an unidentified hand: “D.C. Terrell.”
Date Range
January 1, 1822 to December 31, 1822