James T. Barclay and Julia Ann Barclay to Uriah P. Levy: Indenture for Sale of Monticello
This indenture made this 20 day of May 20th 1836 between James T Barclay of the County of Albemarle in the state of Virginia and Julia Ann his wife of the one part and Uriah P Levy of the county and state aforesaid, of the other part witnesseth that the said James T Barclay and Julia Ann his wife for and in consideration of $ Twenty Seven Hundred dollars of lawful money of the United States paid to them by the said uriah P Levy before signing, sealing and delivery of this indenture, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold aliened, and conveyed and by these presents, do grant bargain, sell alien and convey unto the said uriah P Levy and his heirs and assigns forever, a tract or parcel of land and its appurtenances in the county of Albemarle known as monticello containing two hundred and eighteen acres, as will appear by reference to a plot made by [. . .] A Broahead in pursuance of an order of survey of the Circuit Superior Court of Law & Chancery for Albemarle County in the case of Levy against Barclay in said Court. Being a parcel of the same tract of land which Thomas J Randolph and Martha his wife heretofore conveyed to said Barclay by deed bearing date the first November eighteen hundred & thirty one and of record in the clerks office of Albemarle County, and having as by reference to said survey of said Broadhead will appear the following bounds, to wit: Beginning at a Red Oak and chesnut and thence running with [. . .] Sneeds line N 55° w 22 po: thence N 23½ w 19 po: to a gate thence N 18° w 11 po then N 57° w 5½ po: thence N 20° po 20 po: to a forked cht: [. . .] thence N 23° w 12 po thence N 14° w 8 po: thence North 8 po to a chesnut oak thence running with Wm H Merriwether’s line N 13½° E 102 po: to a Hickory and cht: oak thence N 79½° E 14½ po to a dogwood and hickory thence N 67¼ E 11 po to four chesnut saplins thence with J A G Davis’ line N 82° E 93 po: to a Poplar thence N 28½° E 156/10 po: to a chesnut oak thence running with Wm H Merriwethers line N 89° E 416/10 po: to a dead oak thence S 63½° E 50 po: to a white pine thence S 5½° E 45 po to two small walnuts thence S 18° W 54 po: to a cherry, thence running with Col Macons line S 85° W 18 po: to a cherry thence with Benjamin Sneeds line S 61½° W 198 po: to the beginning. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land containing Two hundred and eighteen acres with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto in any manner appertaining and all the estate right title and interest of said James T Barclay and Julia Ann his wife in and to the same unto the said uriah P Levy and his heirs and assigns forever. And the said James T Barclay for himself, his heirs executors and administrators, covenants with the said uriah P Levy and his heirs and assigns as follows, to wit: to warrant and defend all the land hereby sold and conveyed and the quantity thereof as specified above and by the said plat of said Broadhead together with all the privileges and appurtenances to the same in any manner belonging unto the said Uriah P Levy and his heirs and assigns forever from and against the claims and demands of all persons and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof the said James T Barclay and Julia Ann his wife have hereunto signed their names and affixed their seals on the day and in the year first above written
James T. Barclay {seal} |
Julia A. Barclay {seal} |
We John Morris and Wm S. Dabney—Justices of the peace in the County of Albemarle in the state of Virginia do hereby certify that Julia Ann Barclay the wife of James T Barclay parties to the above deed of conveyance of real Estate to Uriah P Levy bearing date the 20 day of May 1836 & hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid & being examined by us privately and apart from her husband & having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Julia Ann Barclay acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it and requested us to certify the same to the clerke of the county court of Albemarle in order that it may be recorded.—Given under our hands and seals this 20th day of May eighteen hundred & thirty six
John Morris {seal} |
Wm S. Dabney {seal} |