Gabrielle d’Haraucourt to Martha Jefferson (Randolph)

jai véritablement une grande obligation au perce oreille ma chére petitte amie qui ma procurée le plaisir de recevoir de tes nouvélles. Sans lui je crois à te parler vraie que jaurois été long tems Sans en apprendre. Il S’en faut bien que jaye pour toi la même indifférence, et je peux tassurer du Sincére regrét que jai eu Sammedi dernier quand je Suis entrée a penthemont d’apprendre que tu en etoit Sortie. fais moi Savoir Si ton départ est bien prochain et Si je peux avant me flater d’avoir le plaisir de te voir. jen aurai toujours un bien vif a te renouveller lassurance de ma tendre et Sincére amitié,

G. D’haraucourt.

Je Suis Sortie pour quélques jours mais je crois rentrer bientot a l’abbaye aux bois. l’adrésse de Royéz que tu me demende est rue du harlay, près le palais. Adieu encore une fois embrasse ma chere polly bien tendrement pour moi, Si elle a encore un peu d’amitié pour Sa petitte maman, elle la rappéllera quélques fois a ton Souvenir.

editors’ translation

I really owe much to the earwig that brought me the pleasure of receiving news from you, my dear little friend. Without it, I truly believe that I would have been without any for a long time. I am far from having the same indifference towards you, and I can assure you that when I went into Panthemont last Saturday I was sincerely sorry to learn that you had left. Let me know if your departure is very near and if I may flatter myself with the pleasure of seeing you before. It will always be a keen one, to renew the assurances of my fond and sincere friendship,

G. D’haraucourt.

I have been out for a few days, but I believe that I will soon go back to the abbey in the woods. The address of Royez, that you ask me for, is rue du Harlay, near the palace. Farewell once again. Kiss my dear Polly tenderly for me. If she still has a little friendship for her little mamma, she will sometimes remind you of it.

RC (Privately owned, 2015); partially dated at foot of text; with unrelated list of prices for cloth on verso of address cover in the hand of Martha Jefferson Randolph; addressed: “A Mademoiselle Mademoiselle jefferson, chez monsieur jefferson, a la grille de chaillot”; with note in the hand of Martha J. Trist Burke: “Gabrielle d Haricourt”; stamped. Translation by Dr. Roland H. Simon.
Date Range
January 1, 1789 to December 31, 1789