Minutes of a Meeting of the Faculty of the University of Virginia
At a meeting of the Faculty of the University of Virginia on the 20th day of December 1826
Present. | John L Lomax chairman |
Dr Dunglison | |
Dr Blaettermann | |
Mr Bonnycastle | |
〃 Tucker | |
〃 Key |
The Chairman Presented to the Faculty a letter from the Proctor giving information that certain Hotel keepers had during the last Session been in the habit of playing at games of chance with the Students in their Dormitories—He also gave the names of the following persons who he had been informed possessed some knowledge of the facts—Edgar Mason Turner Dixon, William Seawell, E. La Branche, Edgar Poe, Edmund C Drummond, Emanuel Miller, Hugh Pleasants and E G. Crump—who were examined by the Faculty—
S. Chapman & John Gray were also examined by the Faculty with regard to the same subject—
And at meetings of the Faculty held on the 21st & 22d of December 1826
Mr Richardson. Major Spotswood, & Mr E Conway were examined by the Faculty. touching the said Offence
An Extract from the minutes