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Format: 2025-02
Format: 2025-02


Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 28 June 1793 [Quote]

good husbandry with us consists in abandoning Indian corn, & tobacco, tending small grain, some red clover, fallowing, & endeavoring to have, while the lands are at rest, a spontaneous cover of white clover. I do not present this as a culture judicious in itself, but as good in comparison...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, July 1806 [Quote]

I remember you seeing in your greenhouse a plant of a couple of feet height in a pot the fragrance of which (from it’s gummy bud if I recollect rightly) was remarkable peculiarly agreeable to me, and you were so kind as to remark that it required only a green house, and that you would furnish me...

Extract from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, 3 Nov. 1807 [Quote]

Dined at the President’s ... There was as usual a dissertation upon Wines; not very edifying ... Mr Jefferson said that he had always been extremely fond of Agriculture, and knew nothing about it; but the person who united with other Science the greatest agricultural knowledge of any man he knew...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Dorsey, 21 Jan. 1808 [Quote]

I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Dec. 20. and am much pleased to find our progress in manufactures to be so great. that of cotton is peculiarly interesting, because we raise the raw material in such abundance, and because it may to a great degree supply our deficiencies both in...
