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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 15 Mar. 1784 [Quote]

all the world is becoming commercial. was it practicable to keep our new empire separated from them we might indulge ourselves in speculating whether commerce contributes to the happiness of mankind. but we cannot separate ourselves from them. our citizens have had too full taste of the comforts...

Extract from Lafayette to George Washington, 1 Jan. 1788 [Quote]

I am More and More pleased with Mr jefferson. His abilities, His Virtues, His temper, Every thing of Him Commands Respect and Attracts Attention. He Enjoys Universal Regard, and does the Affairs of America to perfection it is the Happiest choice that Could Be Made.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 28 June 1793 [Quote]

good husbandry with us consists in abandoning Indian corn, & tobacco, tending small grain, some red clover, fallowing, & endeavoring to have, while the lands are at rest, a spontaneous cover of white clover. I do not present this as a culture judicious in itself, but as good in comparison...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 19 June 1796 [Quote]

political conversation I really dislike, & therefore avoid where I can without affectation. but when urged by others, I have never concieved that having been in public life requires me to bely my sentiments, nor even to conceal them. when I am led by conversation to express them, I do it with...