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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Jay Marsh, 4 Mar. 1806 [Quote]

convinced that all manufactures carried on on private account are so much more economically conducted than by the public, that whatsoever can be found at market can be cheaper bought there than manufactured by the public, we undertake no manufactures of any thing which can be got at market. small...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, July 1806 [Quote]

the grounds which I destine to improve in the style of the English gardens…compose the Northern quadrant of a mountain for about 2/3 of it’s height, & then spread for the upper third over it’s whole crown. they contain about 300. acres, washed at the foot, for about a mile, by a river of the...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, July 1806 [Quote]

I remember you seeing in your greenhouse a plant of a couple of feet height in a pot the fragrance of which (from it’s gummy bud if I recollect rightly) was remarkable peculiarly agreeable to me, and you were so kind as to remark that it required only a green house, and that you would furnish me...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, July 1806 [Quote]

[England’s] sun-less climate has permitted them to adopt what is certainly a beauty of the very first order in landscape. their canvas is of open ground, variegated with tufts clumps of trees tastily distributed with taste. they need no more of wood than will serve to embrace a lawn or a glade....

Extract from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, 16 Feb. 1807 [Quote]

The President was less cheerful in his manners than usual, but told some of his customary staring stories. Among the rest, he said that before he went from Virginia to France, he had some ripe pairs sewed up in tow bags, and that when he returned six years afterwards, he found them in a perfect...

Extract from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, 3 Nov. 1807 [Quote]

Dined at the President’s ... There was as usual a dissertation upon Wines; not very edifying ... Mr Jefferson said that he had always been extremely fond of Agriculture, and knew nothing about it; but the person who united with other Science the greatest agricultural knowledge of any man he knew...

Extract from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, 3 Nov. 1807 [Quote]

I mentioned to Mr Jefferson that the publishing Committee had a letter from him to the Earl of Buchan, sent by him to the Massachusetts Historical Society with a view to its publication–But the Committee thought it most consistent at least with delicacy to ascertain whether the publication would...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 11 June 1807 [Quote]

To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted so as to be most useful, I should answer ‘by restraining it to true facts & sound principles only.’ yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers ... nothing can now be believed which is seen in a...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Dougherty, 6 Sept. 1807 [Quote]

I am sincerlely glad that your family dispute is made up, as I am convinced it will tend to your own happiness, and particularly to th to the well-being of your children. the differings between man & wife, however they may affect their tranquility, can never produce such sufferings as are...