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Extract from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, 3 Nov. 1807

3. ... Mr Jefferson said that the Epicurean philosophy came nearest to the truth, in his opinion, of any antient system of philosophy—But that it had been misunderstood and misrepresented—He wished the work of Gassendi concerning it had been translated—It was the only accurate account of it...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Dorsey, 21 Jan. 1808 [Quote]

I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Dec. 20. and am much pleased to find our progress in manufactures to be so great. that of cotton is peculiarly interesting, because we raise the raw material in such abundance, and because it may to a great degree supply our deficiencies both in...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 2 May 1808 [Quote]

this measure, attempted at a former session, was pressed at the last, and might I think have been carried by a small majority. but considering that great innovations should not be forced on a slender majority, and seeing that the general opinion is sensibly rallying to it, it was thought better...

Extract from the Diary of Frances Few (Chrystie), [ca. 11 Oct.] 1808 [Quote]

I dined with the President–he is a tall thin man not very dignified in his appearance but very agreeable in his manners–his face expresses great good humour–there is scarce a wrinkle on his brow–he seems very happy–he wears powder but it is evident that his hair is red ... his face is short and...