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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Congress, 16 Jan. 1804 [Quote]

favorable to the immediate interests of our Western citizens, so auspicious to the peace & security of the nation in general, which adds to our country territories so extensive & fertile, & to our citizens new brethren to partake of the blessings of freedom & self-government

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Jean Baptiste Say, 1 Feb. 1804 [Quote]

again there the best distribution of labor is supposed to be that which places the manufacturing hands alongside of the agricultural; so that the one part shall feed both, & the other part furnish both with clothes & other comforts. would that be best here? egoism and first appearances...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Lithgow, 4 Jan. 1805 [Quote]

mr Duane informed me that he meant to publish a new edition of the Notes on Virginia ... I should in that case certainly qualify severel expressions in the 19th chapter which have been construed differently from what they were intended. I had under my eye, when writing, the manufacturers of the...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to James Oldham, 19 Jan. 1805 [Quote]

I recieved yesterday your letter of the 11th and observe you are fitting up a Corinthian room for mr. Gallego. I am glad to learn it, because a single example of chaste architecture may guide the taste of the city and especially when they find that that system of architecture which has now been...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William A. Burwell, 28 Jan. 1805 [Quote]

I have long since given up the expectation of any early provision for getting in the extinguishment of slavery among us. there are many virtuous men who would make any sacrifices to effect it. many equally virtuous who persuade themselves either that the thing is not wrong, or that it cannot be...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Count de Volney, 8 Feb. 1805 [Quote]

in no case perhaps does habit attach our choice or judgment more than in climate. the Canadian glows with delight in his sleigh & snow, the very idea of which gives me the shivers. the comparison of climate between Europe & N. America, taking together it’s corresponding parts, hangs...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 11 May 1805 [Quote]

I recieved last night a letter from mr Thomas Brannagan ... the cause in which he embarks is so holy, the sentiments he expresses in his letter so friendly that it is highly painful to me to hesitate on a compliance which appears so small. but that is not it’s true character, and it would be...