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Format: 2024-09
Format: 2024-09

Extract about Thomas Jefferson, by Joseph Delaplaine [1815] [Quote]

In conversation, he is free and communicative. All topics that fall under discussion are treated by him with equal unreservedness. He seems, indeed, to have no thought or opinion to conceal, and his stores of knowledge are unlocked and laid open with the same freedom in which nature unfolds her...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to David Williams, 14 Nov. 1803 [Quote]

the class principally defective is that of agriculture. it is the first in utility, & ought to be the first in respect. the same artificial means which have been used to produce a competition to learning, may be equally successful in restoring agriculture to it’s primary dignity in the eyes...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to David Williams, 14 Nov. 1803 [Quote]

altho’ we have, in the old countries of Europe, the lesson of their experience, to warn us, yet I am not satisfied we shall have the firmness & wisdom to profit by it. the general desire of men to live by their heads rather than their hands, & the strong allurements of great cities to...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Charles Clay, 29 Jan. 1815 [Quote]

of publishing a book on religion, my dear Sir, I never had an idea. I should as soon think of writing for the reformation of Bedlam, as of the world of religious sects. of these there must be at least ten thousand, every individual of every one of which believes all are wrong but his own. to...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, 27 Mar. 1815 [Quote]

As to what is to be said of myself, I of course am not the judge. but my sincere wish is that the faithful historian, like the able Surgeon, would consider me in his hands, while living, as a dead subject: that the same judgment may now be expressed which will be rendered hereafter, so far as my...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Coppinger, 25 Apr. 1815 [Quote]

I am lately become a brewer for family use, having had the benefit of instruction to one of my people but by an English brewer of the first order. I had noted the advertisement of your book in which the process of malting corn was promised & had engaged a bookseller to send it to me as soon...