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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 21 Jan. 1812 [Quote]

here we do little in the fine way, but in coarse & midling goods a great deal. every family in the country is a manufactory within itself, and is very generally able to make within itself all the stouter and midling stuffs for it’s own cloathing & houshold use. we consider a sheep for...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 11 June 1812 [Quote]

before the revolution they were in the habit of coming often, & in great numbers to the seat of our government, where I was very much with them. I knew much the great Outassetè, the warrior and orator of the Cherokees. he was always the guest of my father, on his journies to & from...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 28 June 1812 [Quote]

my houshold manufactures are just getting into operation on the scale of a Carding machine ... which may be worked by a girle of 12. years old, a Spinning machine ... carrying 6. spindles for wool, to be worked by a girl also, another ... carrying 12. spindles for cotton, & a loom, with a...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Henry Middleton, 8 Jan. 1813 [Quote]

indeed it seems to me that in proportion as Commercial avarice & corruption advance on us from the North and East, the principles of free government are to retire to the agricultural states of the South & West, as their last asylum & bulwark. with honesty & self-government for...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Melish, 13 Jan. 1813 [Quote]

the book I have read with extreme satisfaction and information. as to the Western states particularly, it has greatly edified me; for of the actual condition of that interesting portion of our country I had not an adequate idea. I feel myself now as familiar with it as with the condition of the...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Melish, 13 Jan. 1813 [Quote]

an honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens ... this is my belief of it; it is that on which I have acted; and had it been a mere contest who should be permitted to administer the government according to it’s genuine republican principles, there has never...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Melish, 13 Jan. 1813 [Quote]

Genl Washington did not harbour one principle of federalism. he was neither an Angloman, a monarchist nor a Separatist. he sincerely wished the people to have as much self-government as they were competent to exercise themselves. the only point in which he and I ever differed in opinion was that...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Elizabeth Trist, 10 May 1813 [Quote]

I brought the inclosed book to this place, the last fall, intending to forward it to you; but having a neighbor here who loves to laugh, I lent it to him to read; he lent it to another, and so it went the rounds of the neighborhood and is returned to me at my Spring visit to this place. I now...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 27 May 1813 [Quote]

Another of our friends of 76. is gone, my dear Sir, another of the Co-signers of the independance of our country. and a better man, than Rush, could not have left us, more benevolent, more learned, of finer genius, or more honest. we too must go; and that ere long.