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Format: 2024-07

Thomas Jefferson’s Family: A Genealogical Chart

First Generation Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) married Second Generation—Thomas Jefferson’s Married Children Martha Jefferson (1772–1836) married Maria Jefferson (1778–1804) married Madison Hemings (1805–1877) married Eston [Hemings] Jefferson (1808–1856) married Third Generation—Thomas Jefferson...

Marie Jacinthe de Botidoux to Martha Jefferson (Randolph), 15 Dec. 1789

15 Decembre 1789 Mon journal n’est pas bien exact Comme tu vois Mais en verité ma chere C’est que je suis fort embarassée, tantot je pense que je t’ennuye en te racontant des choses qui ne sont pas plus plaisantes et que Ces details ne t’interessent pas du tout, ensuite je me ressouviens de nos...

Henry S. Randall to James Parton, 1 June 1868

The D “Dusky Sally story—the story that Mr Jefferson kept one of his slaves (Sally Hemmings) as his mistress & had children by her, was once extensively believed by respectable men, & I believe both John Quincy Adams & our own Bryant sounded their poetical lyres on this very poetical...