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Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 8 Jan. 1827

My indisposition was of short duration: Dr Dunglison’s prescription dispelling the fever & other unpleasant circumstances with which it was attended, in three or four days. So that on the thursday succeeding, the weather having moderated, I was enabled to go out. The printing, I am sorry to...

Etienne St. Julien de Tournillon to Nicholas Philip Trist, 10 Jan. 1827

le jour de la réception de Votre lettre je finissais ma campagne. je n’ai fait que 80. Boucauds 100. milliers environ je crois que les Sucres Se Vendront bien ils Sont présentement à 6 p et 7c. j’ai eu cette dernière année beaucoup de Désagrements; mon moulin a manqué, j’ai Donc été obligé de le...

Harriette Dunglison to Nicholas P. Trist, 13 Jan. 1827

I have felt so much interested for Fanny as she has once lived with me, for fear she may be sent to a distance, that the Doctor has permitted me to try to obtain her at the sale as well as her youngest child, should they go at a reasonable price—As the Doctor will not be able to attend might I...