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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, 2 May 1808 [Quote]

this measure, attempted at a former session, was pressed at the last, and might I think have been carried by a small majority. but considering that great innovations should not be forced on a slender majority, and seeing that the general opinion is sensibly rallying to it, it was thought better...

Will of Randolph Jefferson, 28 May 1808

I Randolph Jefferson of Buckingham county in virginia being in sound health, do make the following testamentary disposition of my estate.— I Give all the negroes which I shall own at the time of my death to be equally divided between my five sons Thomas, Robert Lewis, Field, Randolph & ...

Elizabeth Trist to Mary House Gilmer, 1 Sept. 1808

I have been with Mrs Monroe and Eliza ten days Harriet is with Mrs Divers unless she has is at Ridgway with Lucy as she meditated a visit there in a few days when I parted with her 12 days since, hearing that Lucy was at Farmington I summon’d up resolution to ride there on Horse back but...

Extract from the Diary of Frances Few (Chrystie), [ca. 11 Oct.] 1808 [Quote]

I dined with the President–he is a tall thin man not very dignified in his appearance but very agreeable in his manners–his face expresses great good humour–there is scarce a wrinkle on his brow–he seems very happy–he wears powder but it is evident that his hair is red ... his face is short and...

Nicholas P. Trist to Elizabeth Trist, 11 Dec. 1808

I have been made extremely happy by receiving your kind letter. Brother and I go to school to Mr Debecour. and at eight O clock every morning we go to Mr Digraises to take our Danscing lessons. It was my Mothers intention to place us under the care of Parson Chase, who promised to take us for...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Henri Grégoire, 25 Feb. 1809 [Quote]

I have received the favor of your letter of aug: 17. and with it the Volume you were so kind as to send me on the literature of negroes. be assured that no person living wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a complete refutation of the doubts I have myself entertained and expressed on the...