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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 11 June 1807 [Quote]

To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted so as to be most useful, I should answer ‘by restraining it to true facts & sound principles only.’ yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers ... nothing can now be believed which is seen in a...

Elizabeth Trist to Mary House Gilmer, 15 June 1807

Your charming letter of the 29th of March came to hand on the 4th instant. I had written but a few days before to Peachy or shou’d have replied immediatly, it mortifies and grieves me that so few of my letters reach you tho it is often painful owing to a Rhumatic affection in my right hand, to...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Dougherty, 6 Sept. 1807 [Quote]

I am sincerlely glad that your family dispute is made up, as I am convinced it will tend to your own happiness, and particularly to th to the well-being of your children. the differings between man & wife, however they may affect their tranquility, can never produce such sufferings as are...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Elizabeth Trist, [ca. 1 Oct.–31 Dec. 1807]

This will be delivered to you My Dearest Friend by Mr. Robertson a young gentleman of uncommon merit and abilities. he is going to reside amongst you in a public capacity and where there is so much bad will be a comfort to your honest republican heart. I did not know untill late in the evening...

Extract from the Diary of John Quincy Adams, 3 Nov. 1807

3. ... Mr Jefferson said that the Epicurean philosophy came nearest to the truth, in his opinion, of any antient system of philosophy—But that it had been misunderstood and misrepresented—He wished the work of Gassendi concerning it had been translated—It was the only accurate account of it...

Martha Jefferson Randolph to Dolley Madison, 15 Jan. 1808

A hope of being able through your medium to serve an unfortunate family reduced to absolute want, has induced me to write to you My Dear Mrs Madison as the only person to whom I could with propriety apply in the present emergency. you have no doubt heard of the total ruin of David M. Randolph. he...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Dorsey, 21 Jan. 1808 [Quote]

I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Dec. 20. and am much pleased to find our progress in manufactures to be so great. that of cotton is peculiarly interesting, because we raise the raw material in such abundance, and because it may to a great degree supply our deficiencies both in...

John Wayles Eppes to [Robert?] Smith, 9 Feb. 1808

Jno W Eppes with his respects forwards to Mr Smith the enclosed letter—Mr Thweatt the writer being nearly connected with me, I forbear to say any thing on his worth, or the weight which ought to be attatched to his opinions—On this subject I refer you to Colo: Goodwin & Mr Giles with whom he...