Robley Dunglison to the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, 2 Oct. 1826, enclosing William Matthews to the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, 22 Sept. 1826

I am requested by the Faculty to lay the inclosed letters before you, and to state that the Faculty have declined licensing the individual until they learn from you the amount of the emolument which will accrue to him in the event of his appointment.

Robley Dunglison, Charles Bonnycastle, and John Patten Emmet to the University of Virginia Board of Visitors, [ca. 1 Oct. 1826]

The Undersigned have the honor to request the attention of the Visiters to the following subject:—their late lamented Rector having stated to one of the undersigned, than that any Professor, who wished, might have a Smokehouse; and two of the Faculty having been furnished with them, at the...
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