Robley Dunglison, Charles Bonnycastle, and John Patten Emmet to University of Virginia Board of Visitors

The Undersigned have the honor to request the attention of the Visiters to the following subject:—their late lamented Rector having stated to one of the undersigned, than that any Professor, who wished, might have a Smokehouse; and two of the Faculty having been furnished with them, at the expense of the Institution, the Proctor was, this day, written to on the subject, and the accompanying answer returned—from the contents of this note no idea can be formed at what period the funds of the Institution may be sufficient for the purpose; and the undersigned would consequently beg to know of the Visiters whether their wishes on this point are likely to be carried into effect during the present Season.

They farther request the attention of the Board to the want of access to the attics of their houses: the Board are aware that there are no Storerooms to the Pavilions and that the Attics which might be converted to this purpose are useless owing to such want of access.

Some of the cellars, too, in one of the Pavilions (Dr Dunglison’s) are so damp and unfinished that they are totally unfit to be inhabited; but owing to the paucity of Rooms in the House they are compelled to be used as Lodging Rooms.

Robley Dunglison
C. Bonnycastle
John P: Emmet
RC (ViU: Mss 11924); conjectural date based on enclosure; endorsed by Nicholas P. Trist: “Professors Dunglison Bonnycastle Emmet. Replied to Oct. 7. by resl’n. 6.”