Extract from the Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson Coolidge

January. The “Star of the West,” carrying supplies to Major Anderson, was fired into and driven away. Louisiana has seized the United States forts. The President seems at last to have decided to use stronger means and the sloop of war “Brooklyn” has been ordered to Charleston. Senator Seward* delivered his much-expected speech yesterday. It was a philosophical disquisition on the evils of Disunion, but very non-committal. Holt has been confirmed as Secretary of War and Dix has taken charge of the Treasury. Georgia seceded this week, so that all the cotton States that threatened to leave the Union have gone.

*Our future Secretary of State.

Published in The Autobiography of T. Jefferson Coolidge, 1831–1920 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1923), 20–21.