Thomas J. Randolph’s Account with Thomas G. Watkins

1818 Thos J. Randolph Esqr In a/c. with T G Watkins Dr $ Cts
Jany 6 Visit prescription & medicine (negro James) 2
8 visit &c (Do) 2
Feby 12. Examining & prescription for indurated tumor of breast (neg. Womn) 2
March 23. Visit, bleeding, & 3 doses Ial: & cal: &c (negro womn) 3
29 Visit bleeding & letter of prescn left &c negro womn 3
Apl 1 box unguent: & 2 ozs volat: lini[ment] Do
3 Visit &cDo 2
5 Express visit prescn & viol Lau[danum (] Neg Edwin) 2
30 Visit to Shadwell & advice [neg]ro womn) 2
August 27 Attendance & prescn for abscess of [breas]t neg. womn 2
Feby 4 Visit night before last, late in night express from Jones in Fluvanna 17 or 18 miles to Charlottesville & constant attendance till 9 oClock this morn dressing your wounds administering medcns &c } 20
5 Visit express last night late in night, attendance till 12. to day, assisting Dr R. dress wounds of the arm & back—patent lint prescn &c } 8
7 Visit yesterday in rain at 12. assisting to dress wounds &c 5
8 Attendance from 12. yesterday untill twelve to day &c &c 7
9. Visit & dressing both your wounds &c 5
13 Visit dressing wounds & prescn left &c 5
Mar. 6. Visit prescn & medcn negro Sara[h] 2
18 Examining wounds at my house by [. . .] prescn medicine, lint &c for dressing now [. . .] 2
Apl 4 Visit in way negro John, prescn & [. . .] cathart: powds 2
21 Prescn & medcn neg. John 2
Decr 19. Visit express in severe rain and advice last evening to Tufton—for Miss Nicholas (your application) 5
22 Attendance & prescn when at your house (neg boy & girl) 2
1820– Attendance to negro house prescn &c Sarah with fits 2
Jany 26. Prescn & medicine little Dtr 2
30 Prescn little daughter & negro womn 3
Feb 5 prescn little Dtr box ointmt papers for lotion &c 2
Attendance & prescn negro Sarah 1
Feby 14 prescn for Negro Sarah 2
25 prescn & various medicines for long continued use Sarah 2
box of ointmt & a Recipe & prescn infant Dtr 2
29 prescn for negro Sarah 2
March 26. DoDo 2
13 Visit express in rain prescn, ointment, and dressing la[. . .] [b]urns of both Glutei muscles (neg Jinny) 6
Attendanc[e & pre]scn negro Sarah 1
16. Large bo[x of ye]llow basiln salve negro Jinny
20 2 large boxes [. . .] Visit prescn & dressing both burns 4
Apl 12 Visit beyo[. . .] [Sh]adwell prescn & medicine Betty visit thence to [lego?] prescn & medcn Lucy in puerpl state } 5
13 prescn & 4 oz expect mixture neg. Betty 2
14 Visit to Lego prescn & various medicines Rachel 3
call Visit to Shadwell & prescn Betty 2
16 Visit to lego prescn & medcn (Rachel) 3
18 DoDoDoDo 3
May 19. Visit in way to Lego &c (negros) 2
27 Visit bleeding & prescn Sarah, Tufton 4
29 Visit prescn & medicine Do 3
June 5. Visit in way prescn & viol Tincture Digitalis 2
10 Visit express at night prescn & medicine (Sarah Attendd prescn &c next morn after staying all night ½ oz magnesia Sent to day } 6
11. 6ozs alka[line] solution r order Mrs Randolph
15 Visit pr[escn] & medcn Sarh prescn neg. Womn sore eyes 4
27 Visit &c negro Sarah 3
28. Visit pre[scn &] various medicines (neg. Sarah) 3
July 6. Visit in w[a]y & prescn negro girl 2
Augst 19. Prescn & medicine negro Sarah 2
Octr 7. Prescn & medicine for child 2
10 Prescn for care infant daughter 2
Apl 2. Visit prescription & medicine (for the cooks child) 3
3 visit prescn& medcnDo 3
6 Visit from monticello & prescn child 2
Amount carried forward 177
Apl 24 To 1 ounce viol laudn (order mrs R.)
26 Visit to Shadwell &c &c negro Betty 3
May 1 visit to Shadwell &c negro Woman 2
24 visit prescn & medcn negro Nancy at shadwell mills 2
27 visit to Shadwell prescn bleeding medcn (Nancy) 3
29 prescn & medicineDo 2
31 Visit &cDo 2
June. 14 Prescn for little Daughter [. . .]carr an 2
28 Visit & prescn near to mon[ticello?] neg. Nancy 3
Prescn your little daughter Tufton 2
July 1 Prescn & medicine carried by [ D]r Watson 2
Sepr 16 Visit & advice little Dtr 3. 17th Do Do (call visit) 2. 5
Octr 11. Visit prescn & medcn llittle Dtr 3
13. 14 &18 Visits &c &c each day little Dtr 9
24 Visit on 21st & attendance 3 days & nights &c 21
27 call visit & lancing Carry anns gums 3
28 Visits morn & even’g required (Carry ann) 3
30 Visit staying all night &c Carry an 3
31 Rising out of bed in night & prescn Carry ann 2
Nov. 1. Visit yesterday morn in rain attendance till this morn prescn &c Carry ann 10
2 Visit &c 3.00 (3rd) call visit &c 2.00 Do 5
4 prescn written &c Carry ann 2
To your assumpsit for German Baker Esq 3
$ 269

Recd Octr 10th 1823. Th [J] Randolphs bond for a balance of [t]wo hundred & thirty seven dollars on the above in full

Th G Watkins
MS (ViU: Randolph Family Papers, Mss 6225); damaged at folds; endorsed by Watkins: “Th J Randolph A/c”; with note by Randolph: “Bonded $237 int. from January 1st 1823.”
January 6, 1818 to November 4, 1821