Joseph Coolidge to Nicholas P. Trist

dear N.

I write to you on the subject of the books; my will consist of two parts: those contained in the former I wish you to purchase for me at all events; those in the latter may depend upon circumstances.let me promise that your decision of the articles wh. I should want, at the sale of furniture &c at Monticello, has satisfied me more and more since you purchased them. I could not have done better had I been on the spot myself:Knowing then my tastes,—if the books go low, I give you “carte blanche”!

In the first place I want for Ellen or myself, from particular associations—,

XCornelius Nepos— Foulis’ edition, 8 vo: 1761.

XHenri 4th par Perefixe—12 mo.

XCharron de le Sagesse 2 vols—8 vo—1820.

XVolney’s Ruins—English, Red Morocco.

XCicero—Oeuvres philosophiques—10 vols—didot.

XSeneque—de la Grange—6 vols—8 vo—

XL’Homond—de Viris Illustribus Romæ—12 mo.

XWheateley on Gardening

XGudin, poeme—l’Astronomie.

XPlutarchi Vitæ, 6 vols—Paris, Coray.

XAbrege de Vitruve 12 mo Paris 1674.

XBibliotheque d’Architecture, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. &c. parts—

XPetit tresor d’Artistes—

Memo. 2d



XEssai sur le moeurs, des nations, Voltaire.

Xdictionnaire des amusemens, de l’encyclopedie.

Xhistoire de Constantinople.what is this?

Rabelaisis this any good? is it worth buying?

XSacy’s Pliny—

XRepublic of Plato, & works—

XCorrespondance de Grimm.if cheap, buy


the list that follows is added merely because I found it among my papers—many of the books I do not care about, and in your discretionary purchases I do not wish you to confine yourself to them.

Memo. 3d

XAnacharsis—7 vols. &c Paris, atlas. X

XBranmans official letters on last war.

X Voyage1 de la Troade. Chevallier.

Epictetus, Bodoni.

XCicero. de RepublicaX

XCabanis, Certitude de la Medecine.

XAmmianus Marcellinus Xif a good copy.

XHistoire des Animaux ?what is this?

XJosephuswhat is this? what edition, 2n?

none unless—good copies.

Memo 3d Continued.

XScriptores Rei Rusticae.
XArrian XHenault
XHerodotus, Schweigheuser’s X Lacratelle.
XXenophon—Edinbro XPaine’s theological
Xdiodorus Siculus—Wesselling [. . .]
XTraité de Physique—Haüy. [. . .] ancient history
XRepublic de Platon—l’Abbe Grou——? XEschylus—Porte du Theil
Xdiscours de Julien, d’argens. XGnomici Poetae
XBoethius— XLucianus2 Biponte
XAnalyse de Dupuis—Tracy.X X Lysias—Auger
Conquiste de Mexico de Solis XIsocrates
XCorrespondence de Cortes—avec Charles 5. Xdemosthenes
Marbois complot d’Arnold. XThucydides
XRefutations3 de la medicine ——————
Renouard—de Morale Lewis & Clarke; Porter, & Pike.
[. . .] (histoire des causes premieres)
Xunitarian discourses Ocellus Lucanus
Don Quixote — de l’accademie. Loix de Platon
Terentius—Foulis Senecae Opera
grammatica Castellana philosophie de I’univers.
XEschylus &c by Potter (origenis hexapla.)
XFleurens—systeme nerveux x
XOratores Graeci—Reiske
XMitfords architecture x
XDionysius Halicarnassius
Xdion Cassius

dear N. I wrote to you by a friend Welles sometime ago and begged you to send us a Catalogue of the books for distribution. many gentlemen [. . .] some literary bodies ask to obtain them in time to order purchases made when they see fit: do not fail then to send them, and let me know when the sale is to take place.

I found among my memoa a list of books which I have put into a [. . .] class —if any of them go [. . .] you may buy them for me; some of them I have marked thus X, and those are of more interests to me than the others. Nevertheless as I wrote to you on the 1st page, exercise [your] own good discretion, and knowing my tastes, make such purchases as [will] seem good to you, on my accts. If there are any books which have T.J. notes or private marks, they would be interesting to me, and to others please therefore have an eye to [. . .] and remember that your choice at the Monticello sale meets my full approbation, particularly those of the greatest cost—viz. the busts &c.

The trustees of the athenaeum beg me to inquire about Mr Jefferson’s pamphlets: where are they? what [. . .] are they to be sold or given away? Can I get them for the collection in our athenaeum, where there is a very large collection already, say, 12000! My dear N.—I beg you to interest yourself in my behalf in relation to the books; remember that his library will not be sold again, and that all the memorials of T. J. for myself and children, and friends, must be secured now!—this is the last chance!—let me hear from you, for you seem to have forgotten us, and when you write tell me if you know whats become of the Cromwell miniature wh. used to hang in the tea room.

Yrs. ever.
J. C Jr.
RC (DLC: NPT); edge trimmed in tape; postscript in another ink appears along right side of second page and bottom right quarter of third page; addressed: “To Nicholas P. Trist (department of State) Washington D.C.”; stamped and postmarked; with note by Coolidge on address cover: “do not delay the catalogues!”; endorsed by Trist: “Coolidge, J. Feb. 11. 29.”
1Manuscript: “Voage.”
2Manuscript: “Lucanus.”
3Coolidge was possibly referring to Coup d'œil sur les révolutions et sur la réforme de la Médecine, by Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis (1804), purchased by TJ in 1816 (Invoice of Books for Thomas Jefferson Purchased from de Bure Frères, May 1816 (MS:MHi)).
Date Range
February 11, 1829