Cornelia J. Randolph to Ellen W. Randolph Coolidge
Tufton april 10 1827 |
I have been so busy, dear sister, that I have scarcely left myself time to write to you in, brother Jeff. however has written to mama however to inform her of the failure of the lottery scheme, The laws made against it by New York & Maryland, & his determination to pay the debts (if it can be done) with the products he expects from Grandpas pap Grandpapas papers, the friendly of offer of Yates & McIntyre of the use of their offices all over the United states &c, but it will not be known untill the fall whether these papers will bring money enough to pay the debts. brother Jeff says (& with truth) that it never could have been grandpapa’s intention to leave his daughter destitute & that he had and that he had confidence enough in him to be sure that in putting every thing in his hands he secured a comfortable support to her; such sentiments and the conduct he means to pursue need no comment, it the thing speaks for itself & must conf convince all of the noble integrity of his character. I have no idea that grandpapa had any idea that it would be necessary to appropriate these papers to mama’s support, he could not think that sixty years of devoted services to his country & the loss sacrifice of fortune could be forgotten so soon and his children left in beggary by the country to whom he had bequeathed them; but all seem to have shut their hearts against us except some few among individuals & two amongst the states. and towards these we feel so much the greater gratitude.
of all persons none have shewn more feeling towards us than the Dunglisons. after repeated & pressing invitations to us to go to see them I went determining to stay a week but extended the visit to a fortnights length because I could not get away. owing to their insisting on detaining me the last week Jane Cary was with me invited by Mrs Dug Dunglison on my account; we were much visited & had several parties given us, so much so that we were out constantly & set up very late every night and were in quite as much dissipation as we could have been in town, we were both quite indisposed by it before we came home. I only went to one large party for I did not like to be in so much company at this time. [. . .] their society at the university might be a very charming one if they chose, & is very agreable I think. they but they say they it is made up of such incongruous materials that they cannot mix as they ought to do; Mr & Mrs Bonnycastle do not go out at all for he is a nervous man & queer tempered & does not as other people do. The Blattermans are too low to relish any but vulgar society & aree are scarcely on speaking terms with the professors & their wives & daughters; Mr Key keeps himself very close [. . .] & so does Mr Long, The Mr Key has resigned & will return shortly to England. [. . .] Dr Dunglison is the most sociable & is particularly intimate with the Americans he professes himself to be entirely contented & appears to be so; Mrs D. seems to be so also tho I suppose [. . .] she has some longings to see her family They were both as kind to Jane & myself as people could be & pressed me so much to spend the summer with them that there was no saying nay, I do not mean however to desert my post & leave the girls as you may suppose though I should spend my time very pleasantly & quietly with them. The B Keys too were very attentive to me & Jane says that to her Mrs Key expressed the greatest sympathy with us; Mr Key seems to have forgotten all his quarrels with the boys, & is a good hearted man, I believe, tho odd tempered. one piece of Mrs Keys attention to me was near having a very [. . .] bad termination, she sent one day to ask if I should not like to ride out & to offer me her pony [. . .] which was very gentle, Cary Newsome happened to have called on us that morning & promising to be my escort I gladly
The hams are a part of mamas stock, & were intended to be sent a year ago but it could not be done; these are [. . .] hams of this year. sister Jane [. . .] says she sends the middlings because they are good in cooking. Brother J. is going to write to Mr Coolidge soon.