Harriette Dunglison to Nicholas P. Trist
Dear Sir, | University of Virginia Janry 13 1827 |
I have felt so much interested for Fanny as she has once lived with me, for fear she may be sent to a distance, that the Doctor has permitted me to try to obtain her at the sale as well as her youngest child, should they go at a reasonable price—As the Doctor will not be able to attend might I request You to buy them also for me at the Sale or, if it would be inconvenient for You, to let me know, and I will get Mr Brockmann or some other individual to act for us Apologizing, Sir, for the trouble believe me truly Yours
H Dunglison
As my Nurse has not been sent for, I hope she is not to be taken from us. kind regards to all the family.
RC (NcU: NPT); addressed: “N. P.
Trist. Esqre”; endorsed by Trist:
“Dunglison (Mrs Harriette) Jany. 13. 1827.”

Date Range
January 13, 1827