I fancy it must be the quantity of animal food eaten by the English which renders their character insusceptible of civilisation. I suspect it is in their kitchens & not in their churches that their reformation must be worked, & that Missionaries of that description from hence would avail...
Chocolate. this article when ready made, and also the Cacao becomes so easily soon rancid, and the difficulties of getting it fresh have been so great in America that it’s use has spread but little. the way to increase it’s consumption would be to permit it to be brought to us immediately from...
Mr de liniers à lhonneur dengager Monsieur de jeffreson a une partie de chesse au poire et au melon aller. il lui sera obligée de vouloir bien rendre reponse par ecrit au commissionnaire.
Je vous en envoye 4 Caisses de 25 Bouteilles chacunne à raison de 50 S. la bouteille, elles sont en verre de france, et une 5e Caisse de 25 Bouteilles de 1786 en verre Englais, à raison de 3 [livre tournois] la bouteille. EDITORS’ TRANSLATION I am sending you 4 cases of 25 bottles each for 50 S...
I lodge him & find provisions; but give no liquor. this is an absolute article, as I never saw work go on well if the workman had liquor. it is therefore a point which I never give up.
we could, in the United States make as great a variety of wines as are made in Europe: not exactly of the same kinds, but doubtless as good. yet I have ever observed to my countrymen who think it’s introduction important, that a labourer cultivating wheat, rice, tobacco or cotton here, will be...
We are out of sallad-oil, and you know it is a necessary of life here. can any be had in Richmond? I must get you to enquire, and to be particular as to it’s quality. if fine I would be glad to have half a dozen quarts. if midling 2. or 3. bottles will do. if absolutely not good get a single...
let the beer be put into the cellar immediately, for fear of it’s freezing, setting the proper head of the barrels uppermost, that the bottles in them may stand with the corks up.
I am lately become a brewer for family use, having had the benefit of instruction to one of my people but by an English brewer of the first order. I had noted the advertisement of your book in which the process of malting corn was promised & had engaged a bookseller to send it to me as soon...
for the present I confine myself to the physical want of some good Montepulciano ... perhaps I may trouble you annually to about the same amount, this being a very favorite wine, and habit having rendered the light and high flavored wines a necessary of life with me.
I request you to procure for me 4. gross of bottles, the strong kind preferred & 12. gross of corks, the best, as bad ones is throwing away our liquor. there are two only of the Milton watermen who can be trusted with any thing which can be plundered or adulterated, Gilmer & Johnson....
I rejoice, as a Moralist, at the prospect of a reduction of the duties on wine, by our national legislature. it is an error to view a tax on that liquor as merely a tax on the rich it is a prohibition of it’s use to the midling class of our citizens, and a condemnation of them to the poison of...
I live so much like other people, that I might refer to ordinary life as the history of my own. like my friend the Doctor, I have lived temperately, eating little animal food, & that, not as an aliment so much as a condiment for the vegetables, which constitute my principal diet. I double...
my measure is a perfectly sober one of 3. or 4. glasses at dinner, & not a drop at any other time. but in as to these 3. or 4. glasses Je suis bien friand.
Our brewing for the use of the present year has been some time over. about the last of Oct. or beginning of Nov. we begin for the ensuing year, and brew malt and brew 3. 60 galln casks successively, which will give so many successive lessons to the person you send. on his return he can try his...
Some years past I recollect to have drunk some ale at Monticello which I understood was of your own brewing. The manner of doing which you had obtained by a recipe from some intelligent Briton–Being desirous to introduce that kind of drink and having a...
I have no reciept for brewing, & I much doubt if the operations of malting & brewing could be succesfully performed from a reciept. if it could, Combrune’s book on the subject. would teach the best processes: and perhaps might guide to ultimate success with the sacrifice of 2. or 3....
the coffee bean, from it’s mild, and
smooth, bitter, it’s essential oil & the aroma that gives it is
become the favorite beverage of the civilised world.
He enjoys his dinner well, taking with meat a large proportion of vegetables. He has a strong preference for the wines of the Continent, of which he has many sorts of excellent quality, having been more than commonly succesful in his mode of importing, & preserving them ... Dinner is served...
Then he had lived abroad and he had introduced into his own household many of what were called foreign ways. He ate with a silver fork when other people used steel. He would have his plate changed several times during dinner, a habit not observed, in those days, by country gentlemen generally ......