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Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 15 Mar. 1784 [Quote]

all the world is becoming commercial. was it practicable to keep our new empire separated from them we might indulge ourselves in speculating whether commerce contributes to the happiness of mankind. but we cannot separate ourselves from them. our citizens have had too full taste of the comforts...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Jay Marsh, 4 Mar. 1806 [Quote]

convinced that all manufactures carried on on private account are so much more economically conducted than by the public, that whatsoever can be found at market can be cheaper bought there than manufactured by the public, we undertake no manufactures of any thing which can be got at market. small...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 21 Jan. 1812 [Quote]

here we do little in the fine way, but in coarse & midling goods a great deal. every family in the country is a manufactory within itself, and is very generally able to make within itself all the stouter and midling stuffs for it’s own cloathing & houshold use. we consider a sheep for...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Henry Middleton, 8 Jan. 1813 [Quote]

indeed it seems to me that in proportion as Commercial avarice & corruption advance on us from the North and East, the principles of free government are to retire to the agricultural states of the South & West, as their last asylum & bulwark. with honesty & self-government for...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to John Melish, 13 Jan. 1813 [Quote]

the book I have read with extreme satisfaction and information. as to the Western states particularly, it has greatly edified me; for of the actual condition of that interesting portion of our country I had not an adequate idea. I feel myself now as familiar with it as with the condition of the...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to George Fleming, 29 Dec. 1815 [Quote]

I presume, like the rest of us in the country, you are in the habit of houshold manufacture, and that you will not, like too many, abandon it on the return of peace, to enrich our late enemy, and to nourish foreign agents in our bosom, whose baneful influence & intrigues cost us so much...