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Format: 2024-06

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Lucy Ludwell Paradise, 1 June 1789 [Quote]

I am much indebted to you for your attention to my commission about the books, and am well pleased that those which went above the prices I noted, were not purchased. sensible that I labour grievously under the malady of Bibliomanie, I submit to the rule of buying only at reasonable prices, as to...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Harry Innes, 7 Mar. 1791 [Quote]

I receive with pleasure this recognition & renewal of our former acquaintance, and shall be happy to continue it by an exchange of epistolary communications. your’s to me will be always welcome; your first gives me information in the line of Natural history, & the second (not yet recieved...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Volney, 9 Apr. 1797 [Quote]

I have been in the enjoiment of our delicious spring. the soft genial temperature of the season, just above the want of fire, enlivened by the reanimation of birds, flowers, the fields, forests & gardens, has been truly delightful & continues to be so ... indeed my experience of the...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Count de Volney, 8 Feb. 1805 [Quote]

in no case perhaps does habit attach our choice or judgment more than in climate. the Canadian glows with delight in his sleigh & snow, the very idea of which gives me the shivers. the comparison of climate between Europe & N. America, taking together it’s corresponding parts, hangs...

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, July 1806 [Quote]

[England’s] sun-less climate has permitted them to adopt what is certainly a beauty of the very first order in landscape. their canvas is of open ground, variegated with tufts clumps of trees tastily distributed with taste. they need no more of wood than will serve to embrace a lawn or a glade....